Block Block Burrito
Block Block Burrito
This is a shield expansion for Throw Throw Burrito and Throw Throw Avocado. You must own either game to play.
You can now use inflatable Tortilla Shields to block incoming burritos or avocados. Collect cards. Launch new battles. Throw squishy foam burritos or avocados. AND block with tortillas.
The best defence is a good defence, after all.
Buzzed™ Tower – Block Stacking Challenge Drinking Game
Buzzed™ Tower – Block Stacking Challenge Drinking Game
Buzzed™ Tower combines block stacking with drinking challenges, creating an epic party game. It’s the chaotic party game of your dreams, and it’s easy enough that even the most sloshed of partygoers can play. Just remember the golden rule: always drink responsibly.
Designed for ages 21+.