Trunk of Drunk – 8 Greatest Drinking Games


Trunk of Drunk – eight of the most popular drinking games in one convenient box! You will find everything you need in the box, you just need friends and the party can begin!

In the package you will find 20 glasses, 4 ping pong balls, 52 specially made cards and a rule book. That’s all you need to play:

Beer Pong: The best way to use glasses and balls! Hit your ball into your opponent’s glass and make it empty;

Ring of Fire (aka King’s Cup): Draw cards and complete each special task, just be careful not to break the circle;

Never Have I Never: Start every new sentence with: “I’ve never been…”, if you are, then drink! On the playing cards you will also find many suggestions to use in the game;

Most Likely: A great introduction game for a larger company – each round starts with the statement: “Which of us is most likely…” and then nominates one of the people present! You will find ideas for statements on the cards, but you can also come up with them yourself;

Flip Cup: Sometimes you need to move! Which of you is the most agile and accurate? Find out in the game of cups and pins;

21’s: Can you count to 21? In this game, it is not so easy because additional rules have appeared;

Arrogance: Flipping a coin? He who does not guess the right side drinks;

Screw The Dealer: Play against the dealer – can you guess the next card?

Not suitable for under 18s!

Age: from 18 years

4 in stock


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