A smartphone holder that is very handy and practical as it attaches easily to the car’s air vent. The phone’s own weight puts pressure on the holder arms to self-adjust them to the size of the phone.
Made of ABS and PC
Easy to attach and remove
Suitable for devices from 6.5 up to 8.5 cm (between 4″ and 6″)
Self-adjusts to the size of the smartphone
Holder arms have rubber on the inside to prevent scuff marks and rattling with the vibrations
Spring clip with safety tips to completely secure it to the air vent
Space for easy access to the USB cable (not included)
Approx. dimensions: 9 x 10 x 7 cm -
Harraj Tas-sena mug
Harraj Tas-sena mug
Addattat għal dawk li ħlief jaħraw ma jagħmlux.
Harry Potter Ludo with Spinner
Harry Potter Ludo with Spinner
Original price was: €30.00.€25.00Current price is: €25.00.
A great fun game for 2-4 players aged 6 years and over. The full-colour branded storage box contains the game board, 16 playing pieces, a spinner and full gameplay instructions. The perfect board game for Potterheads and collectors of official Harry Potter related merchandise. Knowledge of the Harry Potter series of books and movies is not necessary to enjoy this game.
Hbieb tal-hara game
Hbieb tal-hara game
Malta kellha bżonn logħba oħra tal-ost**. Ħbieb tal-Ħara hija l-logħba l-ġdida mill-imħuħ wara Karti Bil-Bajd. Magħmula għal gruppi ta’ ħbieb li huma vera bieb żobbhom għal xi lejl jaqsam. B’din il-logħba se ssiru tafu aktar x’taħsbu fuq xulxin. Fiha 300 karta li jinkludu mistoqsijiet u sfidi, u tkun tista tivvota għal persuna li jixraq il-mistoqsija.
Tinkludi wkoll App tal-Mowbajl li tħallik tivvota b’mod anonimu!
TWISSIJA: Il-logħba fiha referenzi lejn is-sess, alkoħol, droga u ommok. Hija magħmula għal udjenza matura 17+.
Hunt a killer – murder at motel game
Hunt a killer – murder at motel game
- Solve Crime at The Sunset Motel: Change up your game night with this immersive game for true crime fans; uncover details to solve the murder of Julian Foard
- Unleash Your Inner Detective: Solve a crime case with friends and family, play on date night, or challenge your detective skills by yourself
- Engaging Mystery Crime Game: Use evidence and clues to help you crack the unsolved murder mystery and catch Julian’s killer
- Fun Family Puzzle Game: Investigate The Sunset Motel murder and become part of a thrilling crime game experience with up to six players
- Immersive Mystery & Crime Games: Change up game night with Hunt A Killer games; story-driven card, puzzle, and board games that will challenge your problem-solving skills